Free English Class! Topic: Snacks! 🍌🍎🍫 【英文字幕】

作者: Bob-the-Canadian分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2023-10-14 06:37:09 浏览:27686 次

Free English Class! Topic: Snacks! 🍌🍎🍫 【英文字幕】

厉害了,Bob大叔 在b站的粉丝增长速度很快啊 ,以前在b站刷到了视频都是别人从油管里搬运上传到b站的,现在是Bob大叔的本人账号,强烈支持大叔[打call],为非母语者提供学习机会

谷物棒 granola bar 棒棒糖 sucker/lollipop 蛋白棒 protein bar (pro-ting) 甜甜圈 donut (dou-na) 水果卷 fruit roll-up (类似于果丹皮) 【ror-la-p】 果脯 dried fruit 水果罐头(一人份塑料杯) fruit cup 小胡萝卜 baby carrots 芹菜梗 celery sticks 曲奇 cookie 布朗尼 brownie 玛芬 muffin 奶酪小饼组合 cheese and crackers 薯片 chips 蘸酱 dip (发短i音) 玉米片 tortilla chips 配玉米片吃的辣酱 salsa 咸脆饼干 pretzels 肉干 jerky 布丁 pudding 爆米花 popcorn 糖果 candy 巧克力棒 chocolate bar 焦糖 caramel (cai-ri-miao) 冰淇淋 ice cream 浇头 toppings 蛋糕 cake 杯子蛋糕 cupcake 派(有馅有酥皮) pie 法式软糖 fudge (fa-zhi) 坚果 nuts 杏仁 almonds (all-men-z) 自动售货机 vending machine

【回复】vending machine里面卖的迷你奥利奥巨好吃,哈哈哈
Bob, I would really appreciate if you can upload the live-stream video recorded which is 56min in YouTube. and can you open the live stream channel in bilibili the same time?[打call][打call]I fall in love with your video in the first sight

hello Bob. could you make a video about how to see a doctor or some vocabularies about that ?[打call]

被聊天框挤到边边上的bob叔好可爱[给心心] Uncle Bob, who is "squeezed" to the very side of the cover by the bubble, looks so cute[大笑]

【回复】回复 @护花UP主 :年轻人普及率会高一些
【回复】666 ip德国 是不是德国大多数人都会英语哈
haha,now we all konw bob loves chocolate[doge][doge]

【回复】Your videos are so nice and helpful !!!
When I was a child, I liked to eat chips and other unhealthy snacks, but now I only eat some healthy snacks. Water has replaced various drinks because having a healthy body is so important

Hi Bob, I have been watching your videos for years , finally you are here! Sooo excited! Thanks a lot![呲牙][呲牙][呲牙]

I always have a banana or an apple ,some fruits between meals when I was felt hungry,but no snacks usually. But I love the meal when the time arrive,then I feel like I can eat a lot,that's really good actually.[tv_调侃]

Thank you very much for your video. The speed of speech is very friendly. As a college student major in English, it is important to know the little things around me.[打call][打call][打call]

Online class Learning experience Learning english English Sharing experiences

