Let's Learn English at the Market! 🍎💐🍓 【英文字幕】

作者: Bob-the-Canadian分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2023-09-19 08:17:42 浏览:214774 次

Let's Learn English at the Market! 🍎💐🍓 【英文字幕】


【回复】You can always try slowing the video down a bit.
im a freahman and our teacher played ur video in our class[Cat2_OddFriend]subscribed![可爱小黄豆_玫瑰]

【回复】Oh, my God, it's great. He looks great.
Fantastic video. Thank you Bob. I wanna eat some food at market. I feel that I can't distinguish between fair and market.

【回复】A market happens regularly and only has things for sale. A fair happens once a year and has food, rides, and other activities.
【回复】回复 @Bob-the-Canadian :Thank you Bob. Looking forward to your new video.
Wow,他有小闪电了,He's a real bob!Oh, my cue daddy bear![星星眼]

【回复】回复 @塔克斯机 :加拿大和美国不是很开放的吗?Daddy
flea market 跳蚤市场;vendor n. 摊贩; booth/stall n. 小摊; stand n. 摊车;tent n.帐篷; canopy n.棚子(没有四周); in season 应季;tablecloth n.桌布; signage n.标识;organic adj.有机的;herbicide n.除草剂;pesticide n.杀虫剂;

【回复】太感谢了, flea market,stand,canopy,signage
farmers market--农贸市场 flea market--跳蚤市场 booth/stall--货摊 stand--卖货的台子 cart--手推车 vendor--卖家 customer--买家,顾客 tent--帐篷 canopy--顶篷 shade--阴凉处 produce--农产品 in season--当季 baked goods--foods like bread,cake,etc berries--fruits like blue berries,black berries,etc maple syrup--枫糖浆--(a Canadian sweet jam?I'm not sure) jam--酱 signage--标记,商品牌--(What's difference between “signage” and “sign”?) samosa--empanadu--pierogi--(local snacks,I hardly translate them into Chinese[微笑]) organic--(食物)有机的 herbicide--除草剂 persticide--杀虫剂,农药 local--本地的

【回复】一般sign指具体的某个标志/牌,signage泛指某种类或某一系列的标志。还有一点sign可以当成动词,比如sign your name here。那些个小吃和枫糖浆,哈哈,我也没吃过[妙啊]
【回复】回复 @jupiter2012 :就是糖浆 我觉得好甜[笑哭]
我要是早点看到这个,英语二翻译就不会那么尬尴了。farmer market 我翻译成了农场集市

【回复】回复 @1Wwei :咱们翻译的对不对,我也翻译的农民市场[辣眼睛][保卫萝卜_哭哭]
Thanks Bob!There are a number of different things I haven't seen at market before.Thank you for sharing!

Hi, Bob I was wondering if your videos posted here are the same as that on YouTube, because not everyone has the access to YouTube for some reason [doge]

【回复】I post the same videos on both platforms.
why does everybody look like so kind and happy?either sellers or buiers

【回复】The weather was perfect. Everyone is happy when the cooler weather comes after a hot summer.
【回复】回复 @种辣条 :在德国 瑞士的时候,遇到的人也很多都很友善。比如,我在面包店买东西,进来一位老先生,也会和我打招呼的那种。瑞士想想真的是有非常多的热情的人。甚至我最后离开苏黎世的那天,一位老先生先是很详细地告诉我怎么到机场,然后带我去买手表,而且一直等我买完,然后再带我去车站买票,排队帮我买票,送我直到我上车站稳一看他还在看着我朝我挥手……真的是很好的人。真喜欢欧洲啊。
I love this kind of teaching video!love you teacher[doge][爱心][爱心]

You’re so productive! I’ll save it to watch after work[打call]BTW,the sunglasses looks great on you,so cool.😎

Online class Learning experience Learning english 是老师,也是UP主!

