中英字幕文稿Hello China《你好中国》1-100集

作者: 悦格源英语分类: 人文·历史 发布时间: 2020-02-12 16:45:39 浏览:836444 次

中英字幕文稿Hello China《你好中国》1-100集



【回复】回复 @抿甜的酒果 :yes!!
Traditional Chinese medicine, zhōng yì,  is a therapy and a theory on how to stay healthy. Diagnosis in zhōng yì comes from various forms of observation, including visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile and questioning. The doctor observes a patient's tongue, voice, inquires about the patient's habits and medical history and feels the patient's pulse to make a diagnosis. Therapies in zhōng yì, emphasise tactile stimulation. Doctors give massage. Tools for Gua Sha and cupping are easily found in daily life. Herbal medicines are selected from natural plants and are processed to cure different diseases. Zhōng yì prescribes to the belief that the human body has its own functioning system. People are healthy as long as their body system remains balanced. 有错误的话提醒一下,谢谢

The episode of 15 was talking about the music of ancient China. First, the instruments of China are under a long history, like bone flute was made 8,000 years ago, and other instruments were found in an orchestra of a noble tomb more than 2,000 years ago. And there's another feature about the ancient music, that is, closely being bound of nature. Ancient Chinese people had long respected for nature, for it is the mother of everything in earth. For any arts or things, there are always under evolving development, same with the music. Being endured the beauty of nature, it also developed some modern elements.

【回复】回复 @勒斯威夫特秦 :15吧 这不讲的挺明白的 the episode of15... 应该是
#1 The ancient Yellow River flows uninterrupted from east to West for thousands of years. Silk was made into pottery and ceramics.Millions of stones were piled into the Great Wall. The country created many wonders such as the Great Wall,Moral Grottoes in Dunhuang,Terracotta Warriors and Chinese Kung Fu. Beijing is the capital of Zhongguo,or China which opens to and embraces the world. The Beijing Olympic Games 2008 and the Shanghai World Expo 2010 were held here in Zhongguo. Peking Opera and Western Opera are performed on the same stage. Culturals of the whole world show brilliant vitality in this ancient country. This is Zhongguo. Hope you can understand her,appreciate her and love her. All the Chinese people,black-eyed and yellow-skinned welcome you with open arms.

【回复】2:09 为什么要用yellow- skinned,在英文语境里,这是 西方人故意侮Ru中国人的用词
【回复】写得好用心,[打call]但似乎第二句中间漏了was made into clothes一句?以及cultures写成了culturals。
01中国 02你好 03孔子 04孙子 05老子 06太阳 07月亮 08农历 09指南针 10火药 11纸 12印刷 13京剧 14国画 15壁画 16舞蹈 17音乐 18编钟 19古琴 20书法 21毛笔 22西游记 23竹 24龙 25凤 26功夫 27太极拳 28剑 29中医 30针灸 31春节 32清明节 33端午节 34七夕节 35中秋节 36泼水节 37属相 38风水 39舞狮 40门神 41婚礼 42红娘 43菊花 44礼 45状元 46北京 47长城 48故宫 49天坛 50西安 51兵马俑52黄河 53西湖 54园林 55三峡 56都江堰 57泰山 58敦煌 59少林寺 60饺子 61烤鸭 62糖葫芦 63火锅 64豆腐 65酒 66面条 67鱼 68民族 69姓名 70家 71四合院 72胡同 73土楼 74茶 75筷子 76剪纸 77丝绸 78瓷器 79玉 80钱 81灯笼 82风筝 83皮影 84蜡染 85云锦跑 86旗袍 87唐装 88扇子 89算盘 90熊猫 91喜鹊 92汉字 93矛盾94马虎 95吃醋 96知音 97东西 98宝贝 99数字 100如意

我发布了一篇笔记,快来看看吧 The ancient Yellow River flows uninterrupted from east to West for thousa... https://www.bilibili.com/h5/note-app/view?cvid=12295192&pagefrom=comment

26、Kung Fu is as fast as wind ,as stable as mountain,as powerful as fire.Kung Fu are originated from labour and imitation of animals.Knives,swords,spears,sticks and are used in Kung Fu.Kung Fu is not only useful but also graceful,therefore,Kung Fu is regard as the oriental martial art.It is not mysterious,anyone can take tricks.Kunf Fu is good for health and self-defence.Now,Kung Fu is widely practice around the world.


【回复】回复 @XES陌生 :看来要学QQ看点了[歪嘴][歪嘴]
英语文本看这里~如有错误,欢迎大家指正呀~ 【1-50】https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv16864556 【50-100】https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv16864580

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