
作者: 环球纪录频道分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2022-09-13 10:05:56 浏览:18730 次


防怯场 怯场原因:过度关注 方法:1.转移注意力,如哼歌或看自己的小拇指 2.预演(模拟实战场景,对着镜子或摄像头练习),让自己提前适应 3.写下实战前的忧郁情绪可助其缓解

二:Something as simple as singing a song.or paying attention to one's pinky toe,as pro golfer Jack Nicklaus was rumored to do,can help us take our mind off those pesky details.It's also true that practicing under conditions that we're going to perform under-closing the gap between training and competition -can help us get used to that feeling of all eyes on us.This is true off the playing field as well.Whether it's getting ready for an exam or preparing for a big talk one that might have a little pressure associated with it-getting used to the types of situations you're going to perform under really matters.When you're taking a test, close the book,practice retrieving the answer from memory under timed situations,and when you're giving a talk,practice in front of others.And if you can't find anyone who will listen.practice in front of a video camera or even a mirror.

一:Why do we sometimes fail to perform up to our potential under pressure? Just about everyone does it from time to time-there are so many opportunities, whether it's taking a test,giving a talk, pitching to a client, or that special form of torture l like to call the job interview.We often get in our own way precisely because our worries prompt us to concentrate too much.That's right-we pay too much attention to what we're doing.When we're concerned about performing our best,we often try and control aspects of what we're doing that are best left on autopilot, outside conscious awareness,and as a result, we mess up.So what do we do?Knowing that we have this overactive attention,how do we ensure that we perform at our best?A lot of it comes down to the prefrontal cortex,that front part of our brain that sits over our eyes and usually helps us focus in positive ways.It often gets hooked on the wrong things.So how do we unhook it?So how do we unhook it?

三:The ability to get used to what it will feel like can make the difference in whether we choke or thrive.We've also figured out some ways to get rid of those pesky worries and self-doubts that tend to creep up in the stressful situations.Researchers have shown that simply jotting down your thoughts and worries before a stressful event can help to download them from mind-make them less likely to pop up in the moment, It's kind of like when you wake up in the middle of the night and you're really worried about what you have to do the next day,and you write it down and then you can go back to sleep.Journaling, or getting those thoughts down on paper makes it less likely they'll pop up and distract you in the moment.The end result is that you can perform your best when it matters most.

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