
作者: TED精选演讲分类: 社科·法律·心理 发布时间: 2024-06-24 23:48:53 浏览:23021 次


--本内容由 @老楼赏箜篁 大佬下凡召唤,热心市民@AI视频小助理闪现赶来 一、工作相关压力对经济的巨大影响,以及其对个人健康和生产力的负面影响,强调了减轻工作压力的重要性。 00:34 - Stress is having a massive impact on the economy and costs billions of dollars every year. 01:14 - Workplace stress is linked to employee disengagement, chronic diseases, and work-related injuries and illnesses. 02:34 - Workplace stress can lead to irreversible health issues such as high blood pressure and kidney failure. 二、全球健康和福利行业的发展速度比全球经济更快,但人们对压力的认识和应对方式需要改变。企业应该关注员工的整体福利,以提高生产力和减少压力。 03:01 - Stress impacts economy by reducing productivity and increasing health care costs 03:41 - Global wellness industry grew from 3.7 to 4.2 trillion dollars between 2015-2017 05:43 - Companies should invest in overall mental, physical and emotional wellbeing of employees 三、重视员工的心理健康和整体福利对于公司的竞争优势的重要性,同时呼吁政府在提高工作场所标准方面发挥作用。 06:01 - 公司的最优竞争优势是员工 06:14 - 公开关心员工的心理健康和整体福利是巨大的催化剂 07:44 - 政府在提高工作场所标准方面发挥作用,提供税收优惠等激励措施 四、Thanks for laughing feels 实名羡慕up这溢出屏幕的才华[点赞][点赞][点赞],YYDS!快来一键三连吧[热词系列_优雅]

saving energy,and use mindfulness,and live a more productive life!

