Learn English on a Beautiful Spring Day! 🍃🌱🐣 【英文字幕】

作者: Bob-the-Canadian分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2024-04-02 07:30:06 浏览:25595 次

Learn English on a Beautiful Spring Day! 🍃🌱🐣 【英文字幕】

I'd like to go out and enjoy the spring sunshine because of your video.Wonderful!

A amazing course...so many vocabularies close to our life ... Surely I am going to go over it again and again

一、关于春天迹象的英语课,包括小植物放在外面、春雨、泥坑、水坑、树上的嫩芽和晚上坐在外面生营火等。 00:01 - 谈论春天迹象的英语课,珍的小植物放在外面 00:44 - 春雨是春季的征兆,车道上的水坑和泥坑 02:17 - 加拿大春季的标志是远足、穿雪鞋、越野滑雪和晚上生营火 二、作者的花园中的一些植物的种植方式和春季大扫除的工作内容,以及邻居种的冬小麦田的健康状况。 03:01 - 种植球茎在板条箱中更容易,可以装满堆肥 03:35 - 多年生植物需要每年挖出鳞茎并重新种植 04:51 - 草坪在春天需要清理树枝和枯萎的叶子,让新生命茁壮成长 三、作者在农场的生活和春天的一些变化,包括河水上涨和洪水泛滥,以及修复损坏的谷仓和看到新生命的喜悦。 06:01 - 今年因为河水还没涨好,过得很开心,很久以前水淹过一次。 06:15 - 春天可能会发生洪水泛滥,但现在河水在几周内就会恢复正常。 06:34 - 我们称之为春季洪水,有时在漫长寒冷多风的冬天,有些东西会损坏。 --以上内容由模型基于视频内容生成,仅供参考

there is no substitute for you as an English-learning teacher who I'm following😘🤪🤪

It seems that the spring of Bob's city is coming later than my city. [doge]Look at the blossom tulip.

It is very delightful to watch Bob’s English video , for not only learning English but enjoying life. There is two verses in an ancient poem, created by a poet in Song Dynasty ,that is, literally translated, when you catch up with the spring in southeast China, you should live within the spring.

I really like Bob‘s actual scene English-learning videos[星星眼][星星眼]always can learn a lot[给心心]

so lovely life in spring!thanks for your share[水稻]

The rebirth is just starting to get under my skin.There's always been a delay in the time it takes my sensation to go right.Springtime lethargy,I assume.

not in a spring day,but on a spring day?[吃瓜][笑哭][doge]

Thank you for giving us a beautiful spring trip.[给心心]

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