🎁 An English Lesson about Gifts and A Short Trip to a Jewelry Store 🎁

作者: Bob-the-Canadian分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2023-09-14 08:30:53 浏览:18329 次

🎁 An English Lesson about Gifts and A Short Trip to a Jewelry Store 🎁

thank you teacher, im so suck actually 实际上,才 conversation 对话 celebrations 庆祝活动 occasions 场合 definitely 明确的,确定的 wedding 婚礼 anniversary 周年纪念日 graduation 毕业 couple 夫妻 valentine's day 情人节 housewarming 乔迁之喜 figure out 弄清楚 pay attention 注重 determine 决定 discover 发现 obviously 显然 regifting 转送礼物 tissue 组织,薄纸 especially 尤其 before you go though just stick around , 在你走之前,尽管留下来 stick 粘,戳 stick around 停在附近 clip 夹子 perfect 完美

Nice to meet you Mr. Bob, Where are you living, I am te University of Calgary student[打call][打call][打call].

【回复】I live in Ontario close to Niagara Falls.
【回复】回复 @Jeffz888 :身在国外,心系祖国[doge]
一、加拿大人庆祝活动和节日时购买礼物的习俗,并提供了一些方法来确定给某人送什么礼物。 00:01 - 礼物是为彼此做更好的事情之一,作者喜欢送礼物 01:06 - 在加拿大,常见的买礼物的场合或节日有生日、结婚、周年纪念日、毕业、孩子出生、圣诞节、情人节、母亲节、父亲节、乔迁礼物等 02:39 - 做一个真正好的倾听者,找出别人喜欢的东西,送他们喜欢的礼物 二、关于送礼物的建议,包括买礼物、做礼物、使用礼物等。此外,我们还提供了一些关于送礼物的实用建议和技巧。 03:00 - 买礼物前要弄清楚对方想要什么 03:47 - 收到礼物时,可以试着回赠别人之前收到的礼物 05:41 - 买耳环时,询问店员是否需要搭配小包一起购买 三、关于礼物和送礼的小英语课,由加拿大人鲍勃授课。视频中,他强调了“谢谢”的重要性,并介绍了一些常用的表达方式。 06:01 - 感谢观看,祝你美好的一天 06:10 - 这是一个关于礼物和送礼的小英语课,我是加拿大人鲍勃 06:24 - 如果这个视频能帮助你学习,请点击下面的红色订阅按钮给我点个赞 --本内容由AI视频小助理生成,关注解锁AI助理,由@小・虚・空 召唤发送

hey bob, I just wander what makes you want to upload videos to bilibili? [打call]By the way, have a great day![呲牙]

【回复】I know that many of my videos are available already from people who have uploaded them without my permission. I wanted to create an official channel here in China to release the videos myself and to post articles as well. I won't lie, I also hope to gain members and make a bit of money. Thanks for asking. Have a great day!
【回复】回复 @Bob-the-Canadian :Thanks for your sincere reply![呲牙]
I have been always dreaming of saying thank you to you Bob in person! ! !🥰🥰 I love your videos and I indeed learned a lot from these lovely and inspirational studying materials!! I really appreciate your persistence, your patience ,your humbleness and of course your impressive smile! 😄Welcome to bilibili , one of the most famous video platforms in China! Hope you can enjoy 🥰People here are friendly and stimulating ~[打call][打call]

【回复】Thanks for the kind words. I am feeling welcomed here!
【回复】Your english is very nice and smooth , I wish I can speak English like you.
【回复】回复 @身上死 :谢谢!!有一个老师说过学英语就像烧开水,一定要一鼓作气烧到一百度哦不可半途而废!你绝对可以!!
Thank you Bob,I'm really enjoy watching your videos.[打call]

Bob, you're a loving dad. Your daughter must be thrilled when she wears these earrings.

You are a very dedicated video author, and I have been watching your videos from YouTube to Bilibili. I hope my English can be as fluent as yours.

Thank's for your lesson, and how can i get your captions from your video ? i want to use it to practice speaking

【回复】I don't publish the transcript, but you can try shadowing. Turn the subtitles on. Play a 10 second clip. Hit pause. Say what I've just said. Repeat.
【回复】回复 @Bob-the-Canadian :ok.thanks a lot
Bob, I used to watch your channels on YouTube and Instagram. Hope that your fans ' number will rise over 100 thousand.( I don't know if I express correctly?)

Can't believe you have a bilibili channel after watching many of your videos on YouTube🙃

I can’t vouch for others but i think most girls would enjoy receiving gifts. Sometimes my father also bought me some gifts and take me out to dinner i‘m so excited for that. The earrings you gave daughter was lovely, i guess she was fond of it.

expensive earrings!you can purchase more in China with the same amount of money

【回复】I'm sure you can. In fact I think the earrings I purchased might have been made in China. By the time they get here a lot of money has been added to the cost.

Learning experience Learning english English Sharing experiences
