1997年EVA交响乐音乐会 (较好音质)

作者: OriginLab分类: 音乐现场 发布时间: 2019-12-15 08:20:40 浏览:49426 次

1997年EVA交响乐音乐会 (较好音质)

Σ (っ °Д °;)っ:

【回复】回复 @Σ (っ °Д °;)っ :说出来你可能不信,我的古典音乐坑是通过银河英雄传说入的。现在居然是以这个为职业了。
【回复】回复 @ValkyrjaBB :[惊讶]竟然还有反过来的吗,不过EVA的古典乐插得是真好,亨德尔的哈利路亚那段真是记忆犹新,从天空射下的光束一瞬间穿刺了明日香的座驾,刚好就唱起来了[笑哭]还有合唱交响曲的64秒定格名画,两两相遇真是产生了奇妙的化学作用啊。

【回复】回复 @不确定因子 :哦哈哟,刀客塔~[害羞][脱单doge]
感动落泪。初看EVA 我也是真嗣那个年纪。脑海里挥之不去的永远是那个蝉鸣的夏天


【回复】回复 @tttttthenit :大佬还在啊(震惊)只是回忆起以前后者脸皮四处发邮箱还是qq伸手的时候罢了[doge][doge][doge]

【回复】回复 @OriginLab :没有啊 EVA现在都是由国内的新创华重新引进了 所以你现在B站能搜到正版的EVA 微博也找得到新世纪福音战士战士的官方号 是新创华代理的账号
【回复】回复 @我就是个锤子 :兄弟,具体叫什么呀,想去


我真的太喜欢eva了 今年30岁也没等到第四部 也不知道有生之年还能不能再办一场音乐会


帕赫贝尔 三声部的吉格 D大调 弦楽五重奏 & RAP Verse 4: Condemned for what you did to them Now see how quick they fall to worship him There's a place in my heart that makes me understand Prepared and ready like a bride dressed to meet her husband Treat life as a learning process I said turn right so you took a sharp left Wake up and we'll all sleep peacefully The sun shines but it still seems bleak to me You tell a lie and convince me it's the truth I'm well mannered yet you still call me uncouth I believe that there's got to be much more I hope I'm ready when death comes knockin' on my door Mabye tonight mabye as I sleep It can drive you mad if you think too deep But don't have a breakdown 'cause I called you a clown You threw a punch 'n' missed I killed you with a kiss What on earth will you do then The hour of your death amen 'N' all the prejudice that I've sustained I know it sounds funny but I just can't stand the pain Six foot below Reap what you sow Grim without grief Sad without sorrow

帕赫贝尔 三声部的吉格 D大调 弦楽五重奏 & RAP Verse 3: Be judged according to what you've done Live this life the next is a better one Eat the fruit from the tree of life 'Cause if you live by the sword... you'll die by the knife How great and wonderful are your days How right and true are your ways... No more death, grief, crying or pain 'Cause only the good things will remain... Heed my words 'cause what I'm saying is true Treat them exactly as they treated you - Wipe away the tears from your eyes Be proud, lift your head up - reach for the skys.

帕赫贝尔 三声部的吉格 D大调 弦楽五重奏 & RAP Verse 1: How many times must we start again The creation of the world from beginning to end What will it take before we learn We gotta wake up now 'n' show some concern What will the future hold How many untold stories will be told Just what will the future bring How many species of birds will have a song to sing Man 'n' man can't even get on 'N' man 'n' womans been at war for far too long Superior race all this black 'n' white vision Catholic. Muslim. There's too many religions Too much hatred too much greed Ignorant people pollute the air that we breathe We've gotta wake up now before it's much too late Hungry people need food on their plate People being killed for just a few pence Can you justify that 'cause it makes no sense to me You're growing up much too fast The destruction of mankind - how long will it last


动漫音乐 交响乐 古典音乐 新世纪福音战士 エヴァンゲリオン交响楽 天鹰战士 庵野秀明 林原惠美 鹭巣诗郎 Evangelion
