
作者: YouTube精品课分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2019-12-03 20:34:32 浏览:109508 次




【回复】回复 @哼唧鹅 :做什么工作
【回复】竟然还有人点赞 时间好快已经两三年社畜了

【回复】365天英语口语大全包括:《日常口语篇》《交际口语篇》《出国口语篇》《职场口语篇》和《商贸口语篇》系列图书。For others.
我有这个所有字幕的word版,53页。 可以给我发私信(不过我不怎么看b站。可能回复慢

【回复】回复 @戳小辞 :你当时有保存这个文档嘛,可不可以再分享一下呀,谢谢!!
【回复】回复 @苦尽甘来打Boss :小姐姐还可以 再分享一次吗 没有了
2-6 手打 个人认为重点 2.Sleep watch more TV 多看会儿电视 have school 上学 coming up soon 快… Am I right? 对吗? Now is bed time. 3.住房 fill with sunshine 阳光充足 well equipped 设备齐全 balcony 阳台 an incredible view of… …的美景 spectacular 优美 stuff 东西 4. I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet. 我要去参加一个新年宴会。 How do I look?Is my meke-up OK? 我看上去怎样?我的妆可以吗? The one you have on looks fabulous(非常漂亮). Thanks for saying.谢谢你这么说。 Thanks for helping out. Anyone I know?有我认识的人吗? miss out 错过 There is always next year.还有明年呢。 5.背后议论 Home at last.终于到家了。 (句尾)all that much 那么 criticize sb.批评 behind one’s back 在背后 Probably not.不应该。 If you can’t say something nice you shouldn’t say anything at all. I absolutely agree. 我完全赞成。 It’s getting dark. 天就要黑了。 I’m exhausted.我累死了。 6.Cook I’d like to help pitch in with dinner.我想帮忙一起做饭。 apron 围裙 Let me see…让我想想 whisk eggs 打鸡蛋 take sth.from sth. bell peppers 青椒 Gotcha…明白 dice切成丁 slice 切成片 peeler削皮刀 cabinet橱柜 gas cooker 煤气灶 take a look 看看 stop the bleeding 止血

【回复】7.Eat I haven’t seen you in ages.好久不见。 Please take a seat. 请坐 in a minute 一会儿 Here you go. 来了。 cocktail 鸡尾酒 fried chicken 炸鸡 vanilla 香草味的 absolutely delicious很好吃 Bottoms up. 干杯 8.Drink cover everyone a cask of wine一桶酒 champagne香槟 appetizing开胃 Personally speaking. I’d rather die of … than… 9.Meat mutton chops 羊排 with sauce就着酱汁 Certainly I can. 当然会了 the Butcher’s肉店 10.Breakfast Don’t be so fussy about stuff. 别这么挑剔。 fried egg 煎蛋 oatmeal 麦片粥 I’ll butter your toast.我会给你的面包抹上黄油。 11.cook or clean cleaning up afterwards 然后收拾干净 Suppose(假设) you have to do one of the two I prefer the opposite.我相反。(我更喜欢另一个。) The way I see it, 在我看来, Fair enough.好吧。(同意或接受但有所保留)
【回复】回复 @大梦Meng呐 :27.cafe It really matters… a medium white coffee 一杯中杯加奶咖啡 excuse me,Miss. s black coffee strong (味道)强烈的 28.number even number 偶数 odd number 奇数 decimal number 小数 figure 数字 fraction 分数 1/2:one half subtract /minus减 multiply/multiplied乘 fevide 除 round …up to…/round it off to 四舍五入 whole number 整数 equals 等于 29.time nine sharp 9:00 What will my excuse be set the alarm for … Don’t cry over spilt milk. (不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣)不要因已发生的事情难过。 listen to the clock ticking 听闹钟的滴滴声 When will I recover? 我什么时候才能好? a couple of months 几个月 30.date Better not forget that,最好别忘, get sb. something coexist 同时共存 sort of ,有一点吧
【回复】回复 @大梦Meng呐 :20.television as my companion 做我的伴 I switched to Channel 6 我调到了频道6 a Terrific movie 一部很好的电影 without commercials没有插广告 by the time 等到 a bank was robbed 一家银行被抢劫了 on the scene 在现场 cover the event 报道事件 reproduce the robbery to the life 真实再现了抢劫的全过程 21.Movie definitely 肯定地 all the way up in the front row 最前排 in the front row 在前排 it was really thoughtful of you to 你可真细心… I really appreciate it. 我真的很感激。 hold on to my ticket stub 拿着我的票根 In case 以防 22.music It depends. 看情况而定。 well-matched 搭配得当的 bring back some of … memories 让我想起… nostalgic 怀旧的 rhythm 节奏 eager to 渴望去… It certainly is. 当然了。 It worth the (奖) it won. 它得…奖当之无愧。 23.read despute 争论 to separate 各奔东西 literary works / literature文学作品 inulge in 沉醉于 Certainly I have .我当然有。 various subjects 各种题材的 idle away 虚度时光 People who don’t read are not better off than people who can’t read. 不读书的人并不能比读书的人强。 Books are like food for the mind. 书籍是人类的精神食粮。
hey Jim it's time to wake up and get out of bed do I have get up now you'd better get up or you'll be late what are you talking about my alarm hasn't even gone off yet yes it did it went off 30minutes ago you slept right through it you're like a dead person while you sleep i must have slept right through it rise and shine sleepyhead just let me sleep 5 more minutes the early bird gets the worm i know I know but I don't want any worms if you don't make an effort now later on it'll be a lot tougher for you




