【狂野飙车8】Deus 法属反 对决 52.799

作者: Acl-Troller分类: 网络游戏 发布时间: 2024-01-01 00:36:00 浏览:667 次

【狂野飙车8】Deus 法属反 对决 52.799

lower sensitivity may help solve the turning accelerate issue,but also it means harder to control[笑哭] anyway,it is the most disadvantage of Windows compared to iOS/Android where players can turn smoothly[热]

【回复】I didnt think of that, maybe I should try [吃瓜]
Steering affect the acceleration on Windows, but doesn't on Android/iOS

【回复】On Windows, the steering can only be 100% (pressing arrow key) or 0, which also affect the driving line. Plus, I feel like that arrow key press and nitro key press affect each other at the very start of a race.

游戏实况 电子竞技 跑跑卡丁车 狂野飙车8 狂野飙车 教程攻略 计时 赛车游戏
