
作者: 看美剧学单词分类: 影视剪辑 发布时间: 2021-11-06 19:20:12 浏览:11669 次


造个句再去睡。。。 My lab work hit a bump in the road as the cells which i have been trying to grow showed odd appearance. This had made me a tad cantankerous in the last couple of weeks. So when I saw a colony of it under the microscope this morning, you don't know how much it cheered me up.

odd adj 奇怪古怪的 奇-even偶 odds n几率胜算 cheer(buck) sb up使振奋振作 colony殖民地 colonel上校

生活大爆炸 影视剪辑 艾米 谢耳朵 搞笑 TBBT 谢尔顿 美剧剪辑 看美剧学英语 打卡挑战

