1995加州Twee Pop · Go Sailor 选曲

作者: Raedio分类: 音乐综合 发布时间: 2024-01-04 23:03:57 浏览:533 次

1995加州Twee Pop · Go Sailor 选曲

Tracklist: 00:00 Together Forever In Love 02:25 Every Day 04:35 Bigger Than An Ocean 06:54 Blue Sky 08:35 I’m Still Crying 这次选了 Go Sailor 的部分曲目——加州旧金山&萨克拉门托 twee (punk) pop,最喜欢的女性乐手之一 Rose Melberg 较早期乐队。 在 Discogs 读到简版介绍:Go Sailor 算是 Rose、Amy 和 Paul的 side project,发完 3 张 7 寸后匆匆结束。比较好玩的是 3 张在同年,都投了不同厂牌,视频有标注。 前两天去看 Slumberland 厂牌网站,喜欢 ta 们写的介绍,这些文字可以无关宣传,只是发自内心地记录曾经见证过的一切: - Basic and lovely in their song-writing, they're perfect snapshots of where indie-pop was during that last burst of pre-internet indie activity. Touching on time-honored themes friendship and love (lost and found), they resonate with honesty and purity of intention.

【回复】- While the themes might sound super-sensitive, the music is anything but garden-variety twee-pop. Rose's scrappy guitar was backed by Linton and Paul's sparkplug rhythm section, each song vibrating with enthusiasm and punk rock energy. Tunes like "I'm Still Crying," "Windy" and their ace cover of Nar's "Blue Sky" are as rambunctious and infectious as pop comes, showing the band's roots in the Bay Area punk scene. And the hits just keep on coming: "Ray of Sunshine" and "Long Distance" are total classics, while "Bigger Than The Ocean" slows the pace down for a couple's dance. Paul takes the lead on "The Boy Who Sailed Around The World," wrapping up this flawless record with one of the band's live favorites.

Twee Pop Rose Melberg Twee Punk Lookout! 独立音乐 加州 Indie Yoyo 90s Slumberland

