天气之子 - RADWIMPS 愛にできることはまだあるかい [Julien Ando]

作者: JulienAndo分类: 演奏 发布时间: 2019-08-02 22:48:46 浏览:34794 次

天气之子 - RADWIMPS 愛にできることはまだあるかい [Julien Ando]


【回复】Happy to hear that it makes you want to try as well! I understand all the hard job behind a music video hh. Ganbatte!!
【回复】真的很不容易,all the practicing,the recording,the editing...it's absolutely not an easy way to stick to,that's why we appreciate musician like julien more,and thank him for always bringing us such beautiful vedio x
I hope you enjoy this arrangement as well! The intro is more of the song "Grand escape" while the body is "Is there still anything that love can do"

【回复】希望你们能享受这首曲子。介绍说的比较多是曲子GRAND ESCAPE但是曲子主体其实是is there still anything love can do
第一遍:闭上眼睛享受这段音乐 第二遍:睁开眼睛看拉琴时幸福的Ando

【回复】aww haha good idea! When closing the eyes, you can follow the instruments around you!

【回复】Awhale thank you for coming listenning to this song! :D
so great! I guess right! It's天气之子!oh yeah!happy!Much love!( ̄3 ̄)

【回复】Son of the weather ???哈哈哈哈哈
【回复】haha yes Xianfeng!! You were right from the start [微笑]
Another amazing video !😆 Btw u look really good in that hat XD

【回复】Oh, and btw I’m Claudia, just change my ID name, hope u haven’t forgotten me XP
【回复】Oh thank you so much, I remember your Claudia psudonyme, I hope I can remember the change haha, Sundaecozygirl!
安藤君、こんにちは。問題があります、私の小指が短すぎて、4弦を押すのは大変です。どうしましょうか?お願いします~~とてもlove u!

【回复】ho naruhodo! I am not sure hmm, maybe releasing other fingers could help pressing with your 4th finger! much love!

【回复】回复 @二次元的名字吼吼 :(`・ω・´)

【回复】hh time of rain thank you so much, the hat was given by my hairstylist after giving me a haircut. She is good hh!
I like your hat. It is cute! Your facial experssions which are enjoying the beautiful song is also make listeners feel touched by your play! Also the begining of the song is my personal favorite part. Of course the whole song you played is really excellent!(`・ω・´)

【回复】Thank you so much Nicole for listenning and your message! I see you enjoy this beginning! Very happy, it is my personnal part, experimenting with chords! hh

纯音乐 翻弹 小提琴 RADWIMPS 音乐 Julien Ando 独奏 Violin 天气之子

