
作者: 王小毛毛孩子分类: 野生动物 发布时间: 2023-04-27 18:23:50 浏览:3375 次


我相信这样低调处理双方是商议过的;中美关系已经很紧张了,没必要又生枝节,撕破脸,恶化这一关系;多少人会看戏希望中美关系更加不好,好趁虚而入,大把打劫的。所以,低调处理,既给了老美颜面,(毕竟这事情全球都知道,美英欧都不敢大肆的报道;),又不给世界做文章的机会;但牺牲了我们的❤️啊。只能慢慢理解吧 咽下苦涩吧 回来就好


不是這架吧 丫丫飛機特別改裝有塗鴉的

since 2 pandas are coming home, one is alive and the other is dead. It brings complicated feelings to celebrate for ya ya’s return . What about Le Le? We cannot cheer and laugh while at the mean time to ignore his existence. So I guess 2 sides have discussed to keep a low profile for this event, not to publicly humiliate Memphis zoo in the witness the world’s eyes. And it is not necessary to fanfare the tensions between the 2 countries when it is already pretty tense in other area.

since 2 pandas are coming home, one is alive and the other is dead. It brings complicated feelings to celebrate for ya ya’s return . What about Le Le? We cannot cheer and laugh while at the mean time to ignore his existence. So I guess 2 sides have discussed to keep a low profile for this event, not to publicly humiliate Memphis zoo in the witness the world’s eyes. And it is not necessary to fanfare the tensions between the 2 countries when it is already pretty tense in other area.

动物观察局 大熊猫丫丫乐乐回国 动物观察局20.0·铲屎官的茶话会
