【抖森访谈】抖森谈自己和欧文·威尔逊、导演Kate Herron的愉快合作经历

作者: 长腿叔叔汤抖森分类: 预告·资讯 发布时间: 2021-06-15 18:35:49 浏览:441 次

【抖森访谈】抖森谈自己和欧文·威尔逊、导演Kate Herron的愉快合作经历

Mobius is very confronting for Loki, because Loki’s someone who’s used to be in control and he knows his cards in his hand and he’s gonna play them. Mobius is detached and Loki is a bit confused because his usual tricks don’t work on Mobius, who seems is rather amused by it. So Mobius and Loki develop a unlikely and possibly unstable game of trust , which is they both realize they need each other but they’re not sure they can can trust each other, which makes it very fun.

雷神 复仇者联盟 汤姆希德勒斯顿 迪士尼 抖森 漫威 洛基 采访 Tom Hiddleston Loki
