强化学习2022版第十三讲 德梅萃·P. 博赛卡斯(Dimitri P. Bertsekas)

作者: 德梅萃_博赛卡斯分类: 科学科普 发布时间: 2022-04-15 20:00:11 浏览:267 次

强化学习2022版第十三讲 德梅萃·P. 博赛卡斯(Dimitri P. Bertsekas)

The book of the universe is written in the language of mathematics. Gallileo Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. Confucius Many arts have been discovered through practice, empirically; for experience makes our life proceed deliberately, but inexperience unpredictably. Plato White cat or black cat it is a good cat if it catches mice. Deng Xiaoping thanks for these words of wisdom, thanks professor Bertsekas and up主 too!

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