
作者: MrYang杨家成分类: 日常 发布时间: 2019-06-06 22:41:49 浏览:775794 次


1 on a daily basis 每天 2 followed by 其次是 3 i have no idea 我不知道 4 i fully/totally understand 我完全理解 5 it occurs to me that 我突然想到 6 my concern is that 我担心的是 7 considering 考虑到 8 with something approaching 随着某些事临近 9 i'm struggling with 我有困难...... 10 remain critical .....仍然很重要

全网用户+up:高考加油 高三:玩手机刷B站 真实(转)

我刚看完语文 平常作文50+ 愿发挥正常 另外给大家拜个早年

1 on a daily basis (叙述) 每天 2 followed by (图表类) 代替first,second等 其次是 3 i have no idea (叙述类) 我不知道 4 i fully/totally understand (投诉信或回复道歉信) 我完全理解 5 it occurs to me that(讲故事,写信) 我突然想到 6 my concern is that (观点或建议书) 我担心的是 7 considering (代替because of) 考虑到 8 with something approaching (场景类的) 随着某些事临近 9 i'm struggling with(求助信) 我有困难...... eg.I am struggling with this dilemma and that is why I am turning to you 10 remain critical 在写比较严肃的作文时候 .....仍然很重要 又补充了一些,希望有用


推荐:1 only one people realize how serious the problem is will they take effective measures(倒装) 2 only in this way can people …… 3 there is no doubt that 4 recent three years witnessed an increase in the number of ...(用在开头!) 5 get into the habit of +ving ...... 写作提示 可以多使用无灵句 插入语 倒装句 能否定不肯定之类的 不会就去背一些真的很有用 江苏考生作文基本18到22分 加油

怎么说呢,今年的数学理科一卷题出的很不错 题目新颖。考场通风挺舒服的,桌子凳子都不错,监考老师和蔼可亲。好评,下次还来数学一卷好棒,纸张清晰无异味,题目清楚不伤眼。就是没法下笔。

复制哒 1 on a daily basis 每天 2 followed by 其次是 3 i have no idea 我不知道 4 i fully/totally understand 我完全理解 5 it occurs to me that 我突然想到 6 my concern is that 我担心的是 7 considering 考虑到 8 with something approaching 随着某些事临近 9 i'm struggling with 我有困难...... 10 remain critical .....仍然很重要

1 on a daily basis 每天 2 followed by 其次是 3 i have no idea 我不知道 4 i fully/totally understand 我完全理解 5 it occurs to me that 我突然想到 6 my concern is that 我担心的是 7 considering 考虑到 8 with something approaching 随着某些事临近 9 i'm struggling with 我有困难...... 10 remain critical .....仍然很重要

中考也想拥有视频[囧] In my opinions,first,second...我快写到吐了[灵魂出窍]

高考 高三 考试 学习 英语 高考作文 高中 作文 英语学习 高中英语
