Wellerman - Sea Shanty (船歌) - 【钢琴改编版】

作者: Vinheteiro分类: 演奏 发布时间: 2021-05-27 12:16:20 浏览:159864 次

Wellerman - Sea Shanty  (船歌) - 【钢琴改编版】

我劝你检查一下钢琴的螺栓 当心拧不下来[doge][doge][doge]

钢琴曲难度可分为以下几类: 简单 普通 困难 高难 极难 V叔不瞪我们 [doge]

【回复】回复 @东阳之 :还有,黑乐谱模式,电脑暴走状态
这是一个简单又有些血腥的故事:18世纪,一条名叫“billy of tea”的新西兰捕鱼船,他们在追捕一条鲸鱼用鱼叉叉中了它却又没办法把它拉上船的故事。当时有一个名叫“Weller bothers”英国公司专门为这些捕鲸船送补给(sugar、rum、tea),所以水手们亲切的称送补给的船为“Wellerman”这就是歌名的由来[OK]

【回复】回复 @假期没了 :而且酒不解渴,是放松用的。酒精甚至会让你更渴

【回复】回复 @米拉娜丶夜影 :v叔长得有亿点像f1梅奔车队的车手瓦尔特里·博塔斯,于是就有了这个梗[doge]
【回复】回复 @Lance_Stroll :我第一眼也觉得v叔是博塔斯,这确实很像[妙啊]



【回复】回复 @ID__W :就是要一边摇桨一边唱的,好使劲
Wellerman There once was a ship that put to sea And the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea The winds blew hard her bow dipped down Blow me bully boys blow Huh Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tonguin' is done We'll take our leave and go She had not been two weeks from shore When down on her a right whale bore The captain called all hands and swore He'd take that whale in tow Hah Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tonguin' is done We'll take our leave and go Before the boat had hit the water The whale's tail came up and caught her All hands to the side harpooned and fought her When she dived down below Huh Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tonguin' is done We'll take our leave and go No line was cut no whale was freed The Captain's mind was not on greed But he belonged to the whaleman's creed She took that ship in tow

【回复】Huh Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tonguin' is done We'll take our leave and go For forty days or even more The line went slack then tight once more All boats were lost there were only four But still that whale did go Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tonguin' is done We'll take our leave and go As far as I've heard the fight's still on The line's not cut and the whale's not gone The Wellerman makes his a regular call To encourage the Captain crew and all Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tonguin' is done We'll take our leave and go Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tonguin' is done We'll take our leave and go



【回复】回复 @両儀_の式 :留个邮箱 我有
【回复】回复 @卢比扬卡炸土豆 :能私信吗?同求,谢谢🙏!
【回复】回复 @卢比扬卡炸土豆 :大佬可以发我一份吗谢谢!3294676526@qq.com

钢琴曲 纯音乐 钢琴 Wellerman 船歌
