诗歌朗读 | 埃德加·阿·格斯特《值得》

作者: bookthing分类: 人文历史 发布时间: 2021-03-05 19:51:51 浏览:35604 次

诗歌朗读 | 埃德加·阿·格斯特《值得》

小记(介于散文和小说2) 罂粟with 玫瑰 欲望埋葬在回忆里, 在四月的阴雨中开花, 那把铁锹满是锈迹, 挖大了你与我之间的缝隙, 我开垦了一片荒地, 在罂粟花海中想为你摘下 仅存的几朵玫瑰, 尽管它是那么的不和谐, 可看见那些可爱的模样 我们还是心软了 它们是紫色的,神秘色彩包裹 住它们的花蕊, 当悲伤暂未拥抱理智, 一只玲珑的夜莺停在了我手上, 啄食了我引以为傲的女孩, 尖刺穿破了它的尖喙, 刺向了它的心脏,血流缓缓 滴在罂粟花里,慢慢坠入一片花海, 吞噬于一片死亡中, 生命由此而生,生命因此而灭, 死亡孕育了独有的生机。

Through victory's proof of the skill you possess, Defeat is proof of your grit, A weakling can smile in his days of success, But at trouble's first sign he will quit, So the test of the heart and the test of your pluck isn't the skies that are sunny and fair, But how do you stand to the blood that is struck, And how do you battle despair, A fool can see wise with the path is clear, And it's easy to see the way out, But the test of man's judgment is something to fear, And what does he do when in doubt, And the proof of his faith is the courage he shows, When sorrows lie deep in test breast, It's the way that he suffers the grief that he knows, That brings out his worst or his best, The test of a man is how much he will bear, For cars which he knows to be right, How long will he stand in the depths of despair, How much will he suffer and fight, There are many to serve when the victory's near, And few are the hurts to be borne, But it calls for a leader of courage to cheer,

【回复】The man in the battle forlorn, It's the way you hold out against odds that are great, That proves what your college is worth, It's the way you stand to the bruises of fate, That shows up your stature and grith, And victory is nothing but proof of your skill Veneered with a glory that's thin, Unless it is proof of unfaltering will, And unless you have suffered to win.
【回复】回复 @阿米诺斯OS :Wow,你是怎么找出来的?听着看一遍吗?
值得 埃德加·阿·格斯特 成功 证明你的能力 失败 隐藏你的勇气 懦夫在成功之际大笑 在失败初现之际退却 心的试炼 魄的磨炼 不在于上天是否公平 在于如何承受打击 在于如何抵抗绝望 道途无阻 傻瓜会显得聪明 能轻易看到出路 未知之路 才是炼金石 面对未知 如何行事 勇气将是信仰的证明 把悲伤藏于心中 这是勇士承受苦难的方式 在绝望中 能看清自己 一个人能承受多少 为了自己觉得对的事 在绝望之中独自站立 吃尽苦头 遍体鳞伤 当胜利在望 身边的人多了起来 他们无需承受伤害 危难中 只能靠自己 战役中 只有你自己 承受打击 抵抗绝望 你的站立是值得的 承受灾祸的方式 显示什么是你 成功 什么都不是 镀了一层薄金而已 唯有绝境中坚持 唯有无望中抵抗



【回复】回复 @绿豆沙的小迷弟 :嘿嘿 谢谢!现在已经很适应了!

【回复】回复 @-眽- :qq音乐有吗[大哭][大哭]我找不到[大哭][大哭][大哭]
【回复】找到了!是Megan Wofford的版本!
【回复】回复 @古明地恋镇魂曲 :网易云音乐噢

【回复】回复 @爱我们家老朴bobo :荒野猎人
【回复】回复 @巴拉巴拉664 :好滴谢谢!
一个人能承受多少/为了自己觉得对的事/在绝境之中独自站立/吃尽苦头 遍体鳞伤....



诗歌 朗读 打卡挑战

