巴斯特的歌谣:西部牛仔MV《When A Cowboy Trades His Spurs For Wings》完整歌曲

作者: Pathfinder帝分类: 影视剪辑 发布时间: 2020-08-01 22:31:35 浏览:8491 次

巴斯特的歌谣:西部牛仔MV《When A Cowboy Trades His Spurs For Wings》完整歌曲


【回复】有两方面原因,一方面他轻敌了,被自己的招阴了。 第二方面是黑衣枪法确实比他好,因为黑衣开枪的时候他都没看清,还愣了一下没反应过来,而且黑衣的枪是挂在腋下的,比起白衣放腰间要更远一些,这就已经证明小黑枪法比他好了,还不是一点半点(小白之前用这个套路是有个前摇的)
【回复】回复 @鄂木斯克大先辈 :确实,都是谁先问要不要数数谁赢,因为对面一回答就开枪
Let me tell you buddy There's a faster gun Coming over younder When tomorrow comes Let me tell you buddy And it win't be long Till you find yourself singing Your last cowboy song Yippee-ki-yi-yay When the roundup ends Yippee-ki-yi-yay And the campfire dims Yippee-ki-yi-yay He shalt be saved When a cowboy trades His spurs for wings When the wrap my body In the thin linen sheet And they take my six ounce Pull the boots from my feet Unsaffle my pony She'll be itching to roam I'll be halfway to heaven Under horsepower of my own Yippee-ki-yi-yay When the roundup ends Yippee-ki-yi-yay And the campfire dims Yippee-ki-yi-yay He shalt be saved When a cowboy trades His spurs for wings Yippee-ki-yi-yay I'm glory bound No more jingle jangle I lay my guns down Yippee-ki-yi-yay He shalt be saved When a cowboy trades His spurs for wings When a cowboy trades His spurs for wings

【回复】six-rounds unsaddle [doge]吹毛求疵一下

西部片 西部 美国 MV 欧美音乐 牛仔 巴斯特的歌谣
