少儿英语 英文儿歌 四季歌 Season Song

作者: KealenWoo分类: 社科·法律·心理 发布时间: 2020-07-31 16:54:51 浏览:148932 次

少儿英语 英文儿歌 四季歌 Season Song

If You Know All the Seasons(四季拍手歌)相关信息 If you know all the seasons clap your hands If you know all the seasons clap your hands If you know all the seasons You’ve got four terrific reasons To shout out and name the seasons Clap your hands

If you know all the seasons, clap your hands. If you relly love the winters,go like this。

If you know all the seasons clap your hands×2 If you know all the seasons you've got four terrific reasons. To shout out and name the seasons. Clap your hands.

【回复】回复 @Cachitoi :谢谢,太需要啦
【回复】回复 @Cachitoi :玛雅,好牛好牛

少儿英语 早教 英语启蒙 英文儿歌
