霉霉说,生活是沉重的,尤其当你试图背负一切的时候,成长并进入人生新篇章的一课,就是拿得起和放得下。#英语口语 #演讲 #励志

作者: TED精彩演说分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2022-08-27 07:45:34 浏览:22902 次

霉霉说,生活是沉重的,尤其当你试图背负一切的时候,成长并进入人生新篇章的一课,就是拿得起和放得下。#英语口语 #演讲 #励志

The first of which is: Life can be heavy, especially if you try to carry it all at once. Part of growing up and moving into new chapters of your life is about catch and release. What I mean by that is knowing what things to keep, and what things to release. You can’t carry all things – all grudges, all updates on your ex, all enviable promotions your school bully got at the hedge fund his uncle started. Decide what is yours to hold and let the rest go. Oftentimes, the good things in your life are lighter anyway, so there’s more room for them. One toxic relationship can outweigh so many wonderful, simple joys. You get to pick what your life has time and room for. Be discerning.

UP!新学期 英语口语 暑假倒计时 Taylor Swift 夏日奇遇记
