
作者: linguamarina分类: 职业职场 发布时间: 2020-08-17 17:30:33 浏览:163765 次


To whom it may concern Please find attached FYI(For Your Information) ASAP(As Soon As Possible) CV Resume Moving you to BCC CC’ing somebody in en email Team building Collaboration -Cooperation Start from scratch 9 to 5 Set deadlines/Meet deadlines To give the green light Behind schedule / Ahead of schedule Elevator pitch Stay on budget Go over budget Sign off on(something) Ahead of the curve Ballpark figure To kickoff White collar To look at the big picture By the book To call it a day To corner the market Get in on the ground floor Think outside the box Touch base Word of mouth A Yes Man Red tape To play hardball Downsizing Let go Get/Have one’s foot in the door To be on the same page To drop the ball In the black/red My hands are tired Staff shakeup Outsourcing Target demographic/End user Mission Statement ROI(Return On Investment ) From the ground up

【回复】一个更改:my hands are tied. Not “tired”
【回复】回复 @美森商务英语 :我看到一般就感觉应该有课代表
1.To whom it may concern ——Write a formal email to somebody you don’t know. 2.please find attached ——Ex. Please find our series a deck attached to this email. 3.FYI =for your information 4.ASAP =as soon as possible. 5.CV & resume-longer & shorter 6.Moving you to bcc (to save your inbox) ——”Thank you for the intro” ——BCC= blind courtesy/carbon copy 7.CC’ing somebody in an email ——I am CC’ing Dmitri here because he does all of our financials 8.Team building ——Collaborate(in business) vs cooperate 9.Start from scratch——From very very beginning 10.9 to 5 job 11.set/meet deadline 12.to give the green light 13.To be behind the schedule / be Ahead of schedule 14.elevator pitch 15.playing catch up / catching up

Thank you for your sharing. To whom it may concern. (适用于给不确定的收件人,发送ticket时适用) Please find attached.(附件相关) FYI (For Your Information) 和关系好or熟悉的人使用缩写 ASAP Moving you to BCC (不再打扰到这个BCC的收件人) CC’ing somebody in en email (I'm coping somebody, so he can join and discuss the subject.) Team building Collaboration(eg: Let's collaborate on the subject.)(Let's collaborate, shoot a video together.让我们一起合作拍一个视频。) Cooperation(和警察的配合,不适合用到team合作中) Start from (从头开始) 9 to 5 (意思是做办公室工作:I'm working every day from nine to five.) Set deadlines/Meet deadlines (意思是在某个日期前完成什么工作;及时完成了工作) To give the green light(同意,授权的意思:I was given a green light to carry out this project.意思是我得到了授权做这件事情。) Behind schedule / Ahead of schedule (没有按时/提前完成任务) Stay on budget (支出在预算之内) Go over budget(支出超过预算) Sign off on (something) :I need my boss to sign off on this project. (我需要老板同意我的项目) Ahead of the curve (提前预料,未雨绸缪) Ballpark figure (粗略的估计)

【回复】To kick off(开始) (Let's kick off this meeting.) To look at the big picture (长远来看,从宏观角度看问题。) By the book (意思是按照规则来办事) To call it a day (完成工作回家) (I'm going to call it a day 今天就到这里吧) To corner the market (占领市场) Think outside the box(有创意的思考问题) A Yes Man(唯命是从,没有自己的思考,只会点头同意的人) Red tap(指手续繁杂) To play hardball (使用强硬的手段谈判) To be on the same page (是指互相同意,达成一致) My hands are tired. I'm sorry.(拒绝:抱歉,这件事我没法做主)

【回复】Let me give you some color see see
【回复】回复 @上单神秘饭店 :you can you come[doge]

31.red tape——It used to describe a slow-moving bureaucratic process——*bureaucratic / bureaucracy 32.To play hardball——Negotiate in a really aggressive manner 33.downsizing 34.let go——I was let go from my job = I was fired 35.set/get/have one’s foot in the door——Make the first contact 36.To be on the same page——We’re on the same page about this marketing strategy.(To agree) 37.To drop the ball——I cannot continue this project 38.To be in the black / red——Make money / lose money 39.My hands are tied——Deny or refuse something 40.staff shakeup 人事大换血 41.outsourcing 外包 42.Target demographic / end user——Target consumer 43.Mission statement 44.ROI——Return on investment for investors 45.From the ground up——From the bottom

16.stay on budget / go over budget 17. Sign off on (something) - I need your signature or a verbal yes(verbal) 18.to be ahead of the curve——To foresee the problems that might arise in the long-term. 19.A ballpark figure——A rough estimate 20.Kick off 21.white-collar 22.To look at the big picture 23.by the book——To play by the book means to follow the exact rules. 24.To call it a day——It means you’ve finished work and you’re ready to go home. 25.To corner the market ——to dominate the market, means you’re the biggest player 26.get in on the ground floor——Invest in a company at a really early stage and then make a lot of money 27.think outside the box——To think in non-traditional ways(*get the word out about my company) 28.Touch base——Get in touch with someone 29.Word of mouth 30.a yes man



2 Red tape办公司前要经历的冗长的条文手续 To play hardball 用强势手段谈判绝不放弃 Downsizing 大规模裁员 Let go开除 Get/Have one’s foot in the door迂回战术,先接触身边人试水 To be on the same page 双方同意 To drop the ball 失败了 In the black/red赚钱/亏损 My hands are tied 本人无权决定需得上级同意 Staff shakeup 员工因公司政策大换血 Outsourcing 外包 Target demographic/End user 解决客户需求 Mission Statement 公司宗旨 ROI(Return On Investment ) 投资报酬 From the ground up 从头开始

【回复】To whom it may concern 不明对象的写作正式邮件中使用 Please find attached 请查看附件 FYI(For Your Information)表承接,而且并且除此之外。 ASAP(As Soon As Possible)紧急需回复 CV 扩大版详细的resume Resume 简短在一页内的简历,重点为个人最瞩目的成就。 Moving you to BCC不再接收邮件往来的提示 CC’ing somebody in en email 介绍熟悉的人参加某个项目 Team building 团建 Collaboration -Cooperation 前者偏向个人合作,后者则偏向于个人与组织,或组织于组织尤其是官方组织,机构之间合作 Start from scratch 从头开始 9 to 5朝九晚五,白领工作 Set deadlines/Meet deadlines To give the green light 开绿灯,允许准许 Behind schedule / Ahead of schedule 不能按时完成/提前完成 Elevator pitch 15—20秒短暂介绍公司大致状况 Stay on budget 在预算内 Go over budget超过预算 Sign off on(something)(上级的)同意允许 Ahead of the curve 高瞻远瞩,未雨绸缪 Ballpark figure 粗略估计 To kickoff开始 White collar 白领 To look at the big picture 从宏观大局角度看问题 By the book遵守规则 To call it a day 繁重劳动后结束一天的话语 To corner the market 占领市场 Get in on the ground floor 早期投资并获巨利的 Think outside the box创意的思考问题 Touch base和某人联系I will touching base with you. Word of mouth口头营销 A Yes Man好好先生/便利贴女孩,不会拒绝的人



This kind of business English will help me a lot if I want to get a qualification certificate in the financial industry.

萌新UP主夏令营 职场 英文邮件 英语口语 英语学习 经验分享 商务英语 学习心得
