
作者: Jacob_A分类: 音乐综合 发布时间: 2020-03-29 13:35:45 浏览:34133 次





下面宣读考生守则:为了严肃考风考纪,学校在今日特别强调有下列行为的一律按考试作弊处理。 Let's read out the examinee's code: In order to test the discipline seriously, the school emphasized today that all the following behaviors will be treated as cheating in the exam.

考生守则在宣读之前,我再提醒一下。监考老师在进入考场后,不定期的督促学生检查抽屉里头有没有一些资料和课本。如果有,请放在物品置放处。考试过程当中不允许使用资料和课本来垫盖。 I'll remind you before reading the examinee's rules. After entering the examination room, the invigilator irregularly urges the students to check whether there are some materials and textbooks in the drawer. If you please put it in the goods storage area, you are not allowed to use materials and textbooks to cover it during the examination.

现在是上午09:00。 考试时间开始,请考生开始答题! 考试时间开始,请考生开始答题! It's 09:00 in the morning, and the examination time begins. Please start answering questions. The examination time begins, please ask the candidates to start answering questions.

4、考试过程当中,开考信号发出前提前作答、考试结束后继续作答以及考试期间趴桌睡觉的,以作弊处理。5、考试过程当中,未经监考老师同意,擅自离开考场或者提前交卷的,以作弊处理。凡是有违反上述行为的,监考老师对该生进行以零分处理外,将扣掉量化分(每人至0.5分),并在我校进行登记通报。希望广大考生“严以律己,宽以待人,诚信考试,对待考试”,才能取得出优异的成绩! 4. During the exam, those who answer in advance before the exam signal is issued, continue to answer after the exam, or sleep on their desks during the exam will be considered as cheating. 5. Those who leave the examination room or submit their papers early without the consent of the invigilator during the exam will be considered as cheating. For those who violate the above behaviors, the invigilator will not only impose zero points on the student, but also deduct a quantified score (up to 0.5 points per person) and register and report it to our school. I hope that candidates can achieve excellent results by being strict with themselves, treating others leniently, taking exams with integrity, and treating exams with integrity!

1、携带有关资料、手机、课本进入考场未主动交出,不论得成与否,以作弊处理。 1. Carrying relevant materials, mobile phones, and textbooks into the examination room without voluntarily submitting them, regardless of whether they are successful or not, will be considered as cheating.

现在是北京时间08:30,请初一年级、初二年级和初三年级的考生做好考前准备。 It's 08:30 Beijing time, candidates in Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 are requested to prepare for the exam. 现在是北京时间08:35,请所有考生进入考场。今天上午开考的科目是语文。请今早有任务的监考老师及时到广播室领取试卷和答题卡。 It's 08:35 Beijing time. Please enter the Examination-Room. The subject of the exam this morning is the Chinese Exam. Please ask the invigilator who has a task this morning to collect the test paper and answer sheet from the broadcast room in time. 现在是北京时间08:40,请监考老师为该生贴条形码。 It's 08:40 Beijing time. Please ask the invigilator to put a bar code on the examinee. 现在是北京时间08:45,请监考老师分发试卷,分发答题卡。考生拿到答题卡后,请使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写姓名、班级,并在准考证号写1919-114514,并在空白处里头写“下北泽药业”和“我爱亲人”。 It's 08:45 Beijing time. Please give out the examination papers and answer sheets. After getting the answer sheet, please fill in your name and class with a 0.5mm black pen, and write 1919-114514 on the admission ticket number, and write "Shimokitazawa Pharmaceutical" and "I love my relatives" in the blank space.

我再告诉你一遍!现在是北京时间08:45,请监考老师分发试卷,分发答题卡。考生拿到答题卡后,请使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写姓名、班级,并在准考证号写1919-114514,并在空白处里头写“下北泽药业”和“我爱亲人”。 I'll tell you again! It's 08:45 Beijing time. Please give out the examination papers and answer sheets. After getting the answer sheet, please fill in your name and class with a 0.5mm black pen, and write 1919-114514 on the admission ticket number, and write "Shimokitazawa Pharmaceutical" and "I love my relatives" in the blank space. 写完姓名和班级后,将试卷过目一遍,等待开考信号发出方可答题。我再告诉你一遍!写完姓名和班级后,将试卷过目一遍,等待开考信号发出方可答题。 After writing the name of the school and the class, look over the test paper and wait for the signal to start the exam before answering the question. I'll tell you again! After writing your name and class, look over the test paper and wait for the signal to start the exam before you answer it.

@班恩恩200808280039 :广西壮族自治区的百色市那坡县民族初中的期中考试和期末考试的广播指令是这样的。

学霸修炼挑战 学习 高考 音乐 现场 指令

