Learning English Requires Patience! 🐢🐇⏳

作者: Bob-the-Canadian分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2024-01-16 11:18:03 浏览:14321 次

Learning English Requires Patience! 🐢🐇⏳

🐢🐇⏳00:22 龟兔赛跑的故事 🐌00:59 慢而稳,赛必胜 (slow and steady wins the race) 🔍01:48 注重细节,一丝不苟 (cross your t's and dot your i's) ⏱02:51 欲速则不达 (haste makes waste) 🔨03:51 稳扎稳打 (slowly but surely) 🏛04:51 罗马不是一天建成的 (Rome wasn't built in a day) 📏05:52 三思而后行 (measure twice, cut once) ⏳06:58 苍天不负有心人 (good things come to those who wait)

Hi Bob, much appreciated for your generous sharing.

I’m curious if Bob knows that you have a bunch of fans who love you because you are so cute [呲牙][吃瓜]

【回复】This is a kind of reason why he gets fans as well[嗑瓜子]
1. Slow and steady wins the race. Take your time and it's gonna pan out. 2. Crush your t's and dot your i's. You can never be too careful. 3. Haste makes waste. It takes as long as it takes. 4. Slowly but surely. A thousand miles starts with a single step. 5. Rome wasn't built in a day. Hard work pays off. 6. Measure twice, cut once. Once and for all. 7. Good things come to those who wait. All in good time.

Good things comes to those who waits,thank you bob.

i want to do things with patience but my boss won't let me.[笑哭]

useful new phrases with such beautiful scenery and freezing temperatures. Thumbs up and Dress warmly Bob

Online class Learning experience Learning english English Sharing experiences

