
作者: DT_official分类: 音游 发布时间: 2024-01-13 11:34:04 浏览:40853 次


Welcome to China!And there are some gifts for you.[doge]

I have a question, did Seth find you and say about your Darkness Takeover?(我想问你们一些问题,Seth有没有找过你并说一些关于你们的黑暗接的事)

I know DT is not so bad, DT intention is good, but some Chinese producers have stolen your stickers, and did not apply to DT to use DT stickers, so DT will ban all the same people, but I believe that soon DT will not appear such a module, wish DT do better and better!(我就知道DT没有那么坏,DT本意是好的,只不过有些中国制作盗用了你们的贴图,并且没有向DT申请使用DT的贴图,所以DT才会禁止所有同人的,但我相信不久后DT就不会出现这种模组,祝愿DT做的越来越好!)注:个人想法,个人想说的,请别喷[难过]

I wonder what the end will be, if everyone is infected, or if everyone is saved (I hope it will be Stewie who saves everyone in the end!)翻译:我想知道最后的结局是怎么样的是所有人都被感染还是说所有人都被拯救(我希望是最后饺子拯救所有人!)


your mod is a piece of shit darkness takeover,the worst mod in fnf community,no matter your mod or your fans do you understand what i have said kid?[幻想乡的日常 第1弹_无语][幻想乡的日常 第1弹_无语][幻想乡的日常 第1弹_无语]

但黑暗接管的行为,还是要制止的 Abcd这几个模式都不能没有,再说说,他之前有侮辱肖像权的行为也就是市长和导演

呃…我不太会英文…那个义夫可以帮我翻译一下… 知道DT不允许还原和同人吧,多会解决?(帮忙翻一下这句话,谢谢啦!)

【回复】回复 @雪镇的哨兵-sans : 兄弟,百度翻译欢迎你[脱单doge][脱单doge]
so,would DT V3’s link will publish in this account when your team finish it?I’m really a big fan of darkness takeover and weather you see my comment or not,I still wish your team and DT will be more and more terrific

I posted something about you earlier, too, and I'm sorry. But why implicate the original Family Guy? 中文:我之前也发了一些说你们的话,我深表歉意。但为什么把原版恶搞之家同人也给牵连了?

【回复】In addition, fans in our country made some concept maps (that is, only music but can be expressed) lyrics (the screen shows the right words in the rhythm during the rap process). Those playable versions may be taken from the official internal, or they may be created using your concept maps for secondary creation.(另外,我们国家的粉丝做了一些概念图(就是只有音乐但可以表现出来)填词(在说唱过程中屏幕显示对的上节奏的字)那些可玩版有可能是去官方内部拿,也可能是用你们的概念图进行二次创作。)
【回复】回复 @TYx_____ : Our country has a software called "Create the World", which also has a lot of high-quality fans, but there are also some inferior fans. They also made a dark takeover in this app (they made these with a lot of scripts to make, after all, this is a programming software) music, stickers are for you.(我们国家有一款软件,名叫“创游世界”其中也有大量优质同人,但也有有一些劣质同人。他们也在这款应用里制作了一款黑暗接管(他们制作出这些需要用很多脚本才能制作出来,毕竟这是一款编程软件)音乐,贴图是用你们的。)

错误化 错误化恶搞之家 黑暗接管 FNF 恶搞之家
