【邓紫棋 charming 配音】演唱《Trophy Boy》中英字幕!

作者: 死气大神分类: 娱乐粉丝创作 发布时间: 2018-11-16 10:39:58 浏览:45449 次

【邓紫棋 charming 配音】演唱《Trophy Boy》中英字幕!

Avril浓浓的澳土口, gem的厚厚鼻嗓音, ASHELY迪士尼跳出来的真人嗓,全部都那么有特色!爱死了

I like him for his smile I like for his hair 我喜欢他的笑容我喜欢他的头发 I like him for his style I like him because he's so debonair 我喜欢他的风格喜欢他的放荡 He's my trophy boy 他是我的奖杯男孩 My trophy boy 我的奖杯男孩 My trophy boy 我的奖杯男孩 I want him for myself I want to lock him down 我想他只属于我 我想要把他关起来 I want that ring on my finger Like I want that crown 我想把戒指戴在手指上 Oh my gosh Oh my fairy godmother 哦,我的天哪,她可是我的仙女救星 Won't you call this boy's mama And tell her that I love her 你能打电话给这个男孩的妈妈告诉她我爱她 副歌重复中 I need a trophy boy, yeah! 我需要一个奖杯男孩,是的! 纯手打,求个赞不过分吧 (°∀°)ノ

They call me a“damsel in distress ”‘Cos I won my prize. 他们称我为“陷入困境的少女”因为我赢得了奖品 The one with the kingdom and the big brown eyes 有王国和棕色大眼睛的那个 The one with the voice That can boom like music 他的声音像音乐一样 Oh my, Oh my, does he know how to use it 哦,天呐,他自己知道有这些吗 I'm playing with you 我不跟你玩 He looks into your eyes, Knows what to say to you 他看着你的眼睛,知道对你该说什么 He's so beautiful That's the consensus 大家都认为他太帅了 Bet the crown jewels I will be his princess 我敢打赌我会成为他的公主

I like him for his smile I like for his hair 我喜欢他的笑容我喜欢他的头发 I like him for his style I like him 'cos he's so debonair 我喜欢他的风格喜欢他的放荡 He's my trophy boy 他是我的奖杯男孩 My trophy boy 我的奖杯男孩 My trophy boy 我的奖杯男孩 I want him for myself I want to lock him down 我想他只属于我 我想要把他关起来 I want that ring on my finger Like I want that crown 我想把戒指戴在手指上 He's my trophy boy 他是我的奖杯男孩 My trophy boy 我的奖杯男孩 My trophy boy 我的奖杯男孩 He's so vicious So totally runaway 他是如此的邪恶,那么彻底的跑道 And no-one was listening But he's totally funny 没有人在听,但他很有趣 I don't even care if he ever makes a sound 我甚至不在乎他是否会说话 Just as long as when he's near me He's around and he's bound to me 只要他靠近我 他就在我身边 他被绑在我身边

建议换一个标题 ,毕竟不是紫棋一个人唱的

邓紫棋 明星 女神
