【Android】安卓12 kotlin开发APP教程 —— 油管

作者: Techflow分类: 野生技能协会 发布时间: 2021-11-16 23:39:58 浏览:4718 次

【Android】安卓12 kotlin开发APP教程 —— 油管

Chapters2 : 3:33:49 Outro Basics 1 3:35:19 Intro Basics of OOP 3:36:42 Classes and Objects 3:41:35 Classes and Initializers 3:48:42 Scope and Shadowing 3:53:57 Member Variables, Functions and Constructors 4:07:05 Lateinit - Setters and Getters 4:17:25 Data Classes 4:26:19 Inheritance 4:41:35 Interfaces 4:54:49 Abstract Classes 5:00:52 Typecasting 5:08:39 Outro OOP 5:10:04 Intro more on Kotlin Basics 5:11:38 What are collections 5:13:54 Arrays 5:30:13 Lists 5:39:33 Sets and Maps 5:52:04 Arraylists 5:57:54 Lambda expressions 6:02:29 Visibility modifiers 6:13:23 Nested and Inner Classes 6:18:11 Safe Casting 6:23:16 Exception Handling with try and catch 6:38:50 Outro More Basics 6:40:23 Intro Age in Minutes App 6:41:56 Setting up the UI for the App 7:02:46 Adding more Textviews and SP, DP and Px 7:17:07 Finalizing the UI 7:23:51 Adding a DatePickerDialog and OnDateSetListener 7:37:06 Using the selected Date to Display it 7:49:06 Finalizing The App 08:01:26 Outro Age in Minutes App


Chapters3 : 08:02:43 Intro Calculator App 08:07:45 Building the UI 08:35:06 Using onClick and implementing the CLR 08:44:14 Adding the onDecimalPoint 08:45:59 Adding the onOperator Functionality 09:01:56 Adding Subtraction - using substring and other string methods 09:17:10 Adding the missing operations 09:24:30 Outro

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