
作者: 多喝热水的搬运工分类: 日常 发布时间: 2024-03-02 03:27:13 浏览:244 次


The last month of winter is the best time to plant trees. Naseroo went to the city today and bought various seedlings such as figs, almonds and walnuts. He plans to give the farm a more beautiful face by planting these seedlings. The grandma's family works together to cultivate these seedlings in different parts of the farm and impatiently wait for their growth. Planting Beautiful Seedlings in the Grandma's Farm 冬天的最后一个月是种树的最佳时间。纳瑟鲁今天去了城里,买了各种各样的树苗,比如无花果、杏仁和核桃。他计划种植这些幼苗,让农场变得更漂亮。奶奶的家人一起在农场的不同地方培育这些幼苗,耐心地等待它们的生长。 在奶奶的农场种植美丽的幼苗

美食 树苗 美味 乡村 游牧 伊朗 游牧生活 乡村生活
