
作者: 多喝热水的搬运工分类: 日常 发布时间: 2024-03-25 01:21:02 浏览:274 次


Unfortunately, the goats of Grandma's family have been dying for some time. Although they injected medicine to the other goats, today another goat died and upset the family. Also, the leg of one of the goats is broken and Mahmoud is trying to treat it. Grandma's family has been busy building their new house in the village for some time. Today, Ali Saleh has come to help them to work. Unfortunately, he gets sick a bit and worries everyone. But this hard day ends with a good thing. Farida's family comes to see Grandma's family and makes everyone happy. Bad Conditions of Ali Saleh on his First Day of Work in the Village 不幸的是,奶奶家的山羊已经死了一段时间了。虽然他们给其他山羊注射了药物,但今天又有一只山羊死了,让这家人很难过。另外,其中一只山羊的腿断了,马哈茂德正在设法治疗它。奶奶家在村里忙着盖新房已经有一段时间了。今天,阿里·萨利赫来帮助他们工作。不幸的是,他生病了一点,让每个人都担心。但这艰难的一天以一件好事结束。法丽达的家人来看奶奶的家人,让每个人都很开心。 阿里·萨利赫第一天在村里工作时的恶劣条件

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