[SFM]班迪與墨水機器 The Devil's Swing 惡魔的搖擺

作者: 不进球的冰神柱分类: 音乐综合 发布时间: 2017-08-07 08:18:57 浏览:32131 次

[SFM]班迪與墨水機器 The Devil's Swing 惡魔的搖擺

恶魔之舞 班迪与墨水机器 The Devil’s Swing-Bendy and the Ink Machine 班迪是个小魔头 Bendy was a little devil thing 在银幕上被赋予生命 Who was brought a life on the silver screen 一度欢愉众生 如今引人尖叫 Used to make’em chuckle but now he makes’em scream 班迪摇摆恶魔之舞 It’s Bendy in the devil’s swing! 回溯至那制造卡通之地 Flash back to the place that make cartoon thing 蛛网繁衍增生 地板咯吱作响 Where the cobwebs grow and the floorboards creak 一切皆指向那罪恶图谋 And it’s all connected to an evil scheme 这便是班迪与墨水机器 It’s Bendy and the Ink Machine! 美梦成真 Dreams do come true 我曾被乔伊·德鲁所骗 I was deceived by Joey Drew 但现在我步步紧随你身后 But now I’m coming after you 谁还欢笑 Who’s laughing now? 你痴心妄想将我取代 You thought you could cut me out 可墨水正岌岌倾倒而下 But now the ink is pouring down 班迪由墨水制造而成 Bendy is created out of ink 遂被建模成为立体野兽 Then molded into a 3D beast 脚步悄然 魔鬼逼近 You can hear him coming with tapping feet 恶鬼动荡 班迪主场 It’s Bendy in the devil’s swing!

【回复】回复 @Billsans :歌词←_←


恶魔之舞 班迪与墨水机器 The Devil’s Swing-Bendy and the Ink Machine 班迪是个小魔头 Bendy was a little devil thing 在银幕上被赋予生命 Who was brought a life on the silver screen 一度欢愉众生 如今引人尖叫 Used to make’em chuckle but now he makes’em scream 班迪摇摆恶魔之舞 It’s Bendy in the devil’s swing! 回溯至那制造卡通之地 Flash back to the place that make cartoon thing 蛛网繁衍增生 地板咯吱作响 Where the cobwebs grow and the floorboards creak 一切皆指向那罪恶图谋 And it’s all connected to an evil scheme 这便是班迪与墨水机器 It’s Bendy and the Ink Machine! 美梦成真 Dreams do come true 我曾被乔伊·德鲁所骗 I was deceived by Joey Drew 但现在我步步紧随你身后 But now I’m coming after you 谁还欢笑 Who’s laughing now? 你痴心妄想将我取代 You thought you could cut me out 可墨水正岌岌倾倒而下 But now the ink is pouring down 班迪由墨水制造而成 Bendy is created out of ink 遂被建模成为立体野兽 Then molded into a 3D beast 脚步悄然 魔鬼逼近 You can hear him coming with tapping feet 恶鬼动荡 班迪主场 It’s Bendy in the devil’s swing!


恶魔之舞 班迪与墨水机器 The Devil’s Swing-Bendy and the Ink Machine 班迪是个小魔头 Bendy was a little devil thing 在银幕上被赋予生命 Who was brought a life on the silver screen 一度欢愉众生 如今引人尖叫 Used to make’em chuckle but now he makes’em scream 班迪摇摆恶魔之舞 It’s Bendy in the devil’s swing! 回溯至那制造卡通之地 Flash back to the place that make cartoon thing 蛛网繁衍增生 地板咯吱作响 Where the cobwebs grow and the floorboards creak 一切皆指向那罪恶图谋 And it’s all connected to an evil scheme 这便是班迪与墨水机器 It’s Bendy and the Ink Machine! 美梦成真 Dreams do come true 我曾被乔伊·德鲁所骗 I was deceived by Joey Drew 但现在我步步紧随你身后 But now I’m coming after you 谁还欢笑 Who’s laughing now? 你痴心妄想将我取代 You thought you could cut me out 可墨水正岌岌倾倒而下 But now the ink is pouring down 班迪由墨水制造而成 Bendy is created out of ink 遂被建模成为立体野兽 Then molded into a 3D beast 脚步悄然 魔鬼逼近 You can hear him coming with tapping feet 恶鬼动荡 班迪主场 It’s Bendy in the devil’s swing!

音乐选集 班迪与墨水机器
