
作者: 多喝热水的搬运工分类: 日常 发布时间: 2024-02-22 03:13:41 浏览:276 次


The Grandma's family continues to live on the farm. Their main work these days is building platforms and tidying up the farm. Naseroo is responsible for taking the children to and from school. Arash and Abbas try to help their family in building the platform, but the stone hits Abbas's hand and makes him cry. Mahmoud's arrival and playing the beautiful flute takes the worry away from Grandma's family and brings peace back to the farm. Abbas's Work Became Dangerous for him 奶奶一家继续住在农场里。这些天他们的主要工作是搭建平台和整理农场。Naseroo负责接送孩子们上下学。阿拉什和阿巴斯试图帮助他们的家人搭建平台,但石头击中了阿巴斯的手,把他弄哭了。马哈茂德的到来和他那美妙的长笛吹奏,让奶奶一家不再担心,农场也恢复了平静。 阿巴斯的工作对他来说变得危险

美食 美味 乡村 伊朗 游牧生活 游牧 乡村生活
