skibidi invasion 33 "Cosmic Clash" (part 1)无人机宇宙第33集第一部分

作者: 磁铁马桶分类: 鬼畜剧场 发布时间: 2024-06-23 09:05:27 浏览:1317 次

skibidi invasion 33

本集对话翻译(由社区大佬翻译) 蓝无人机:Impossible, they came from the outer space..(这不可能,他们竟然是来自外太空…) 女无人机:These foes..Perhaps each of them is as equal as one of our titans. (这些敌人…他们中的每个单位可能都和我们的泰坦一样强大) 蓝无人机:Quit hallucinating. (请你不要胡思乱想) 女无人机:Where is Titan Droneman? (泰坦无人机在哪里?) 蓝无人机:You mean.. Behemoth? (你是在说…Behemoth?) 女无人机:Really.. He got a new name. So when will he be able to deploy?(说真的…他竟然还有了新名字,所以他什么时候可以部署到战场那边?) 蓝无人机:He's going nowhere. (他哪儿也不去) 女无人机:What?! You can't seriously let the frontline kept on getting massacred! (什么!你总不能让前线这边继续遭受着无止境的屠杀啊!) 蓝无人机:You heard me. He's not going anywhere. (你听到我说的话了吧,他哪儿也不去) 紫无人机:ENOUGH! The behemoth wouldn't be ready any time soon. I will not let our best card get compromised. (够了!你们别吵了!之所以泰坦无人机/behemoth这边还没准备好,其实是因为我不想让我们这边最好的底牌遭到泄露)

【回复】女无人机:Aah! Arcadia, of course, you're here. (啊! Arcadia,怪不得你在这里) 紫无人机:Instead, i have found a signal. Not far from our outer system. I believe, that's where these pods.. Came from.. (与此同时,我们检测到了一个信号,这个信号就离我们这边的外边侦查站的检测系统距离不远,我觉得,这些空降仓应该就是从那里来的) 蓝无人机:I will take the lead of this space expedition. Someone needs to take this matter carefully. (我来领导这次太空探险吧,因为这件事需要有人来认真负责的) 从4:06处开始 蓝无人机:Double time. Get to the hangar! (加油,马上冲进机库) 从5:47处开始 升级三钳马桶:Traitor! Your punishment is.. DEATH! (背叛者!你的审判是……死!) 蓝无人机:Get in, NOW!(现在,快冲进机库!)

搞笑 逗比 马桶人 监控人 泰坦音响 无人机宇宙 天文马桶
